Grand Knight’s Report Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Welcome back from the summer vacation period. We hope you are energized for this year’s Knights council activities. Our council will need your active support in making these activities a success and create positive public awareness of our contributions to our local community.
Our Knight’s of Columbus organization has made a positive and proven difference-a real and major difference of which you can all be proud of. .This is best illustrated by our Order’s results. “The results of the Order’s annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for the year ending Dec. 31, 2008, indicate that
• Total charitable contributions reached $150,036,865.
• That the quantity of volunteer service hours to charitable causes by Knights grew to 68,783,653.
• There were more than 413,000 Knights of Columbus blood donations
Our council has contributed to this success and will continue to do so in the future. As a council we are in good financial order. Attached you will find a copy of our financial statements, which will be approved at our next meeting at St Pius on October 20 at 7.00 PM
Today, every existing organization is in transition, our Knight’s order and our council is no exception. Our mission is and remains sound –“Catholic,Family,Fraternal,Service” but the challenge remains as to how make our journey or mission effective and relevant in our local community, empowering our members and brothers to do good works while enjoying the ride . .
We hope that you will enjoy the ride with our council this year . We are open to your ideas and suggestions . We challenge you to recruit more members, develop and participate in our local charity fund raising activities, create positive community awareness and have fun and fellowship at our council. Please help your executive make this an exciting and fun filled year. See executive list attached .
Sieg Holle Grand Knight
n Together we can do better
n Together we can do great things
n Together we grow
n Together we make a difference
The grand knight is responsible for the overall welfare of the council. Elected annually by the council membership, the grand knight must provide thoughtful and inspired leadership to the council officers, the Service Program directors, chairmen and members of the council.
The deputy grand knight is the second in command in the local council. He is also elected annually, assists the grand knight in the operation of council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned to him by the grand knight. In the absence of the grand knight, the deputy grand knight presides at council meetings and functions as the grand knight would. The deputy grand knight is a member of the Advisory Board charged with general supervision of a Columbian Squires circle sponsored by his council. It is suggested that the deputy grand knight and the board of trustees serve on the council’s retention committee.
The chancellor is elected annually to serve the council in a variety of ways. Primarily, he assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both. With the cooperation and support of the grand knight, the
chancellor has the important duty of strengthening the members’ interest in council activities. It is recommended that the chancellor serve as the chairman of the council’s Admission Committee. The chancellor is also a member of the council’s Columbian Squires circle ceremonial team.
RECORDER Jason Hutton
The recorder is responsible for keeping a true record of all the actions of the council and maintains all correspondence of the council. He should use the “Recorder’s Minute Book’’ (#1403, available from the Supreme Council Supply Department) to record the minutes of all council meetings.
ADVOCATE Bart Brennan (Navigator for Fourth Degree)
The advocate is the parliamentarian for the council. He need not be a member of the legal profession; however, he should be thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the “Charter, Constitution and Laws’’ and with the council by-laws. When a by-law is to be revised, the advocate serves as chairman of the revision committee.
WARDEN Marty Klunder
The warden is responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property, except that which belongs to the financial secretary. He sets up the council chambers for meetings and degrees and appoints and supervises guards for ceremonial exemplifications. The warden should also oversee the inside and
outside guards and make sure they are fulfilling the duties assigned to them.
INSIDE/OUTSIDE GUARDS Inside Guard: William Holly
The guards attend the doors of the council chamber, checking on current membership cards before allowing entrance.
Outside Guard: To be appointed.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES .Trustee Peter Hardwicke
The board of trustees consists of the grand knight and three members elected by the council. Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semiannual audits and oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The grand knight is the chairman of the board. It is suggested that the board of trustees and the deputy grand knight serve on the council’s retention committee.
The financial secretary’s important role is underscored by the fact that he is not elected by the membership but, his appointment – upon the recommendation of the grand knight and trustees – is approved by the supreme knight for a period of three years. His work has a direct effect on council members, his fellow officers, the state council and the Supreme Council. Basically, the financial secretary’s duties revolve around two key areas of council activities: financial records and membership records. The financial secretary collects and receives all moneys that come into the council from any source. He then turns that money over to the treasurer for deposit in the council account.
TREASURER: Pierre Guay
The treasurer is the elected official in charge of handling all council funds. He receives money from the financial secretary and issues a receipt for such. He is also responsible for depositing all money in the proper council accounts and providing a voucher or certificate of deposit to the grand knight for each transaction. The treasurer is also responsible for issuing payments to the Supreme Council on all assessments made by it to the council and for all orders of the council.
Finally, the treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the monies in the general expense fund of the council and the amount of money in any special funds established by the council. He must be able to provide upto-date records on these accounts to the grand knight, financial secretary or board of trustees.
CHAPLAIN Father Adams
The priest chosen to serve the council as chaplain will primarily act as spiritual advisor to the brother knights and families of that council. Since he will more than likely have a fulltime ministry demanding the major part of his time and effort, no specific duties with regards to running the council have been assigned to him. He is expected, however, to make a report at council meetings. The chaplain’s report, scheduled in the “Method of Conducting a Council Meeting’’ (#1937), consists of any business matters relative
to his office and a brief talk by him on any religious matters. The chaplain should also serve as an advisor to the Church activities director and members of that committee
Key events and activities 2009-10
Ongoing events 2009-2010
Car raffle
Free throw
Rose Sunday
Walter Gretzky tournament
Church related events
Lectures ( relevance)
Leprosy program
Worthy causes
Awareness and outreach projects
- For the Public
Charity Event Wagon- other non profits
Cross memberships
Charity number
Capitol programs - For the good of the Order and for the good of the Council
Capital improvement programs
Other - Council improvements- for the good of the order
Buddy/mentor system
Incentives - Joint Council activities and events –cross promotions
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