Tuesday, October 20, 2009

draft - You are important in God's world

changes ?
You are important- have faith friend

Yes you can do it .  Canadian author, Frederick Philip Grove, said, "If the desire to get somewhere is strong enough in a person, his whole being, conscious and unconscious, is always at work, looking for and devising means to get to the goal."

If you aren't sure what your gifts are, ask yourself what is it that you like doing best and are good at doing? Or ask those who know you best, as they will see or sense what you are good at doing.i oin groups that can help you such as the Knights of Columbus( http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dd763tfg_470dkdpnfcn&interval=5      Making a difference )

In God's economy there is a place of service for every single member of his family; that is, for every individual Christian in the church, or what the Apostle Paul called "the body of Christ." Every one of us is equally important. As Paul said, "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!' And the head cannot say to the feet, 'I don't need you!'"2

And every one of us has at least one gift with which to serve God. The important thing is to know what your gifting is and put it to good use serving God … first at home … then in the church and Lord's work … and in some way everywhere you go. For example, if you have the gift of encouragement, you can use that anywhere.

You are probably familiar with the words of Henry Van Dyke who said so simply yet so eloquently: "Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."

Remember, too, that people are the "instruments" God uses to get his work done on earth and, like a doctor's scalpel, the sharper the instrument, the more effective work God can do with the instrument. For example, if you have a desire to write, sing, teach, preach, or be a "butcher, baker or candlestick maker" then get the training necessary to be the best at what you like doing best. Then seek ways to use your gifts even if in seemingly humble ways to begin with. My job for several years as a young teenager was to collect and put away the hymn books in our small countrified church.

When we are faithful in the little things, God will lead us to bigger things if we so desire and are so gifted. Regardless, every responsibility is of equal importance in God's service, and we will be rewarded, when Jesus comes, not according to our gifting but according to our faithfulness.


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