Saturday, July 31, 2010

You have nothing to fear but fear itself - live -do -enjoy life

1. Fear Not (Innes)

"The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"1

"It is reported that the [former] newspaper counselor, Ann Landers,
received an average of 10,000 letters each month, and nearly all of
them from people burdened with problems. She was asked if there was
any one problem that predominates throughout the letters she receives,
and her reply was the one problem above all others seems to be fear."2

Fear, to one degree or another, is common to all mankind. People are
afraid of innumerable things: grasshoppers, bugs of all kind, snakes,
spiders, mice, the dark, closeness, intimacy, losing their health,
wealth, happiness, friendships, the unknown, ad infinitum. Some people
are even afraid of success and unconsciously set themselves up to
fail. Others are so afraid of failure, they won't step out or even
attempt to fulfill their life's ambition and goals.

The ancient king of Israel, King Saul was so jealous of David that he
set out to kill him. David had a right to be afraid and undoubtedly
was. But because of his enduring trust in God, he was able to say with
confidence, "The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man
[King Saul] to do me?" When our trust is in God, we can confidently
say the same. I like the words of the unknown poet who said:

I would rather stumble a thousand times
Attempting to reach a goal
Than to sit in a crowd
In my weather-proof shroud
A shriveled and self-satisfied soul.
I would rather be doing and daring
All of my error-filled days
Than watching, and waiting, and dying
Smug in my perfect ways.
I would rather wonder and blunder
Stumbling blindly ahead
Than for safety's sake
Lest I make a mistake
Be sure, be safe, be dead.

God has a specific goal and purpose for your life. It's okay to be
afraid, just don't allow fear to control you. Commit and trust your
life to God every day and he will be with you. Step out in faith to do
what you know and/or believe God wants you to do with your life. Don't
waste your life—make it an investment in eternity.


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