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From: Canadian Taxpayers Federation
-- Kevin, Derek, Lee, and the rest of the CTF team
From: Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Dear supporter,
Earlier today, our politicians in Ottawa denied Auditor General Sheila Fraser the ability to audit $500 million in their annual MP and Senator office expenses.
Clearly, this is not acceptable. Every other penny of government spending is subject to audit; so too should the expenses racked up by our MPs and senators.
While they claim they have "guidelines" in place to ensure the funds aren't misused, "guidelines" didn't stop a politician in Nova Scotia from expensing a video game or a UK politician from expensing the cleaning out of their moat!
We need your help to get these books opened!
SIGN OUR PETITION NOW -- http://www.taxpayer.com/node/12069 and forward this to your friends!
Please donate to support our continued efforts to lower taxes, eliminate waste, and make government accountable.
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