Monday, March 08, 2010

Spring is in the air -and it is a time of renewal

Spring is in the air –the time for renewal and planting is near

Seed some kindness and good deeds and watch it grow your happiness and success

There is no doubt that a constructive life cycle of doing good helps to create a better world.

Good deeds and playing positive actions forward are ways to seed or plant seeds of goodwill that will grow and bear fruit down the road. One of the best things about seeding, ‘good’ , is that it makes you feel good. Doing a thoughtful deed for someone else opens your heart and fills it with warmth. You don't have to be rich or powerful to plant seeds of kindness. All it takes is a willingness to look out for opportunities to help others.

Acts of kindness can start with just simple things, such as a smile for the harried grocery clerk or holding the door for a tired mother, preoccupied with her little ones. Or you can take it a step further and offer help to people in need. Perhaps someone you know could use a heart-to-heart discussion or an elderly person in your neighborhood needs help shopping or repairing something in the home. Spend a little time thinking about it, and I am sure some ideas will pop into your head.

If you want to do something on a larger scale, consider volunteering some time on a regular basis to benefit a specific group, such as children, older people, or the community in general. It doesn't really matter so much how you seed kindnesses as long as you are looking for opportunities to do so and then take advantage of them when you see the need.

It is true that, in the process of doing good for others, even if it is something small, we improve the lives of others, build better relationships and even improve our own lives. It's a win-win situation!

This is a constructive pep talk or gardening tip for your " new decade"  journey and to keep your positive momentum and renewal going

The Knights of Columbus and other community service groups always need volunteers for community projects if you do not have your own gardens of kindness to seed and nurture.

Take care. Be happy .be loving and get ready to smell the roses

-from your friends, brothers and fellow human beings and especially Sieg

(SH from our put a positive smile on your face “ life is a gift “ series Friday, March 05, 2010)

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