9/11 was Absolutely frightening
Today is the 13th year of the aftermath of the start of our total civil liberties fall - the over responsive,expensive 9/11 mostly illegal nonhuman special government war on(of) terror on the people or human beings of the world . It is time to push back the corruption , the ignorance , and the (collective government )" isms" that control our or everyone's life and for the basic re-establishment of natural freedom of choice natural right of property natural right of life to do no harm, the natural right of happiness as defined in the 1776 tradition .

As a free thought libertarian and human being, I will not accept the propaganda or thinking of the self important selfish and flawed new choice or new world order agenda . I will use my skill to provide free will choices and push back nanny infringements and government inspired criminal organizations and extortion schemes where ever and whenever I can ......I will counter the fear mongers, false flaggers and prophets of doom with a smile and real solutions for the upcoming age of peaceful abundance .. .

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