Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gentlemen and brothers I share and support this 3 month challenge with you
.  Please pass it on -you have the power of one   ( AMDG ) S.Holle

From: Carl Anderson <>
Date: Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Membership and Program Special Incentive

Worthy Grand Knight:   (and members of the Knights of Columbus )

With the historic election of Pope Francis, the Knights of Columbus has a
unique opportunity to express our solidarity with the Holy Father by
expanding our charitable outreach and growing our membership.

In taking his name from St. Francis of Assisi, "the man of poverty," and
identifying himself so closely with the poor by his public acts and
statements, the Holy Father has shown himself to be dedicated to charity.
Since our Order's guiding principle is charity, there is no better way to
express our solidarity with Pope Francis than to build each council in its
charitable outreach by serving those in need.
With this in mind, I am pleased to introduce a *Membership and Programs
Special Incentive in Honor of Pope
During the next three months (April-June), *each time* a council takes part
in a First Degree exemplification that brings at least one member into that
council, it is entered into a competition for one of two all-expense-paid
trips to Italy - including tours of Rome and Assisi -- in early October 2013
for the grand knight and  membership director and their wives. In addition,
*each time* a council conducts a hands-on service program to help those in
need, it has the opportunity to enter into the second part of the incentive
for one of two all-expense-paid October trips to Italy for the grand knight
and program director and their wives. To enter an activity, please use
the *online
form* <>
or *print
the form*<

Membership and Program Special Incentive in Honor of Pope Francis

From April to June 2013, each time a council takes part in a
First Degree exemplification that brings at least one member
into that council, it is entered into a competition for one of
two all-expense-paid trips to Italy — including tours of Rome
and Assisi — in early October 2013 for the grand knight and
membership director and their wives.

In addition, each time a council conducts a hands-on service
program to help those in need, it has the opportunity to
enter into the second part of the incentive for one of two
all-expense-paid October trips to Italy for the grand knight
and program director and their wives.

There is no limit on the number of submissions

The winner prize at Council 9262 will be selected from the council  in a general membership vote.

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