"The New Horizons' funding arrangements are about maintaining the vitality of different organizations in different ways," McColeman said. "It's you who are, as organizations, enriching people's lives, creating a caring community and a community that's vibrant through all stages of life." |
From Evernote: |
Federal grants OK'd for seven seniors groups | Brantford-Brant | News | Brantford ExpositorClipped from: http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/2012/05/18/federal-grants-okd-for-seven-seniors-groups |
Federal grants OK'd for seven seniors groups 5
By Hugo Rodrigues, Brantford Expositor
Friday, May 18, 2012 10:02:43 EDT PM
Seven area seniors organizations received a total of $98,942 Friday from the federal New Horizons for Seniors grants program.
Brant MP Phil McColeman announced the funding Friday morning at the Brantford Seniors' Centre, with representatives from each of the groups in attendance.
"The New Horizons' funding arrangements are about maintaining the vitality of different organizations in different ways," McColeman said. "It's you who are, as organizations, enriching people's lives, creating a caring community and a community that's vibrant through all stages of life."
Here are the grants:
• $23,402 to the Grand River Employment and Training to support mentoring and workshops promoting Haudenosaunee customs and traditions;
• $23,000 to the Sjogren's Society of Canada to help seniors in the organization create an educational video on the disease;
• $20,320 to the Six Nations Long-term Care / Home and Community Care - Health Advocacy for youth mentorship projects and sessions on elder-abuse, food preparation and crafts;
• $9,700 to Fairview United Church to replace its furnace and security system;
• A combined $14,748 in two grants to the Brantford Seniors' Resource Centre to purchase equipment for its greenhouse project and create informational pamphlets and booklets on seniors' scams and elder abuse;
• $4,272 to the Brant Seniors to replace furniture and a dishwasher;
• And $3,500 to Village Italia for the development of a digital-photo cookbook.
McColeman said that the program continues into 2012-13, with applications being accepted until this fall.
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Showing 5 comments
Should get the guy with grey hair at the front table a pillow and a blanket LOL!!!
--- Buying our votes with our own money. Neat trick.
--- Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
--- We will need a "Special victims Unit" for those of us who are not receiving grants from our taxes. What about my roof? The money to fix it went in taxes. -
stephen said......."Buying our votes with our own money. Neat trick."
Are you in the picture? Didn't think you were that old. Which are you? :)
--- Great Save, I am the one in the green jacket. I am reading Phil McColeman's mind through his right ear. He is thinking about a grilled T-bone with chips and ketchup.
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