This is the public blog web site for the Brant -Knights of Columbus. Our Council 9262 is located at St Pius X Church at 9 Waverly Street, Brantford Ontario Canada N3R 2K2 . We are a CATHOLIC,FAMILY,FRATERNAL,SERVICE, non profit organization.Our private members site is .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Re: CanadaHelps Bulletin December 2010 FYI
We use CanadaHelps for our fundraising activity - See the Canadahelps button on our web site. Useful information for all who want to be involved in this activity
CanadaHelps Bulletin December 2010 - In this issue:
5 Quick Holiday Fundraising Tips!
Free Training Seminars for Charities - 2011 Webinar Schedule Announced!
CanadaHelps now accepts PayPal!
10 Years of Innovating for Good
CanadaHelps is on Facebook
5 Quick Holiday Fundraising Tips!
'Tis the season to be giving! The Giving Season is upon us and that means campaigns are in full swing, donating is on people's minds, and your fundraising and marketing department is extremely busy! Here are some quick holiday fundraising reminders to help you keep organized and motivated:
- Update your website. Maximize your homepage real estate for your holiday appeal. Remove any out-dated information and keep your content, imagery and messaging current. Test and fix sources of frustration.
- Gather contact information. Collect contact information everywhere. Giving season is a great time to build your email list and donor database.
- Use a personal voice. Adopt a writing style that caters to your target audience, and write to convey emotion. Focus on shared experiences, values and goals.
- Integrate your communication efforts. If you're doing a direct mail appeal, a Facebook appeal, and an email appeal, consider how they are connected. Make sure all your efforts are integrated, consistent and coherent.
- Create clear messaging and let your supporters spread the word. Be direct when asking your audience for help, tell them what you want them to do, and give them all the tools they need to do it easily.
Free Training Seminars for Charities - 2011 Webinar Schedule Announced!
Want to learn more about online fundraising, social media and technology? CanadaHelps can help!
Join us for free online training seminars (webinars) about current topics you need to know about to stay ahead of the online fundraising curve. All you need is an internet connection and a set of speakers or headphones to join in. Click on the topics to find out more and register today!
January 18 - Special Webinar: CanadaHelps & McMaster Survey Results - Part 1 of 2
January 25 - Special Webinar: CanadaHelps & McMaster Survey Results - Part 2 of 2
January 26 - What is CanadaHelps and Why Should My Charity Sign Up?
January 27 - Qu'est-ce que CanaDon et Pourquoi Inscrire Mon Organisme?
February 9 - CanadaHelps Orientation for Registered Charities
February 10 - Orientation pour ton organisme inscrit sur CanaDon
February 23 - Top 10 Online Fundraising Mistakes
March 9 - Facebook Basics for Your Organization
March 23 - The Art of Storytelling: 2.0 Edition
April 13 - Blogging Basics
April 20 - What is CanadaHelps and Why Should My Charity Sign Up?
April 27 - Social Media Done Right: 5 Case Studies
May 11 - Spruce up your E-Newsletter
May 25 - Ten Tips to Improve Your Website
June 15 - Getting the Most From Your MyCharity Account & Reports
June 29 - Know Your Website: An Intro to Google Analytics
July 20 - YouTube's NonProfit Program & The Fundamentals of Video Storytelling
August 17 - Orientation for Newly Registered Charities with CanadaHelps
The 2011 MyCharityConnects Webinar Series is generously supported by Direct Energy.-------------------------------------------------
Is there some aspect of online fundraising or social media that you would like to learn about? Let us know at
Other news
CanadaHelps now accepts PayPal!
CanadaHelps is pleased to announce that your donors can now use PayPal to make donations through CanadaHelps. PayPal is the world's most loved way to pay and get paid online, letting users transact more safely with their PayPal balance, credit cards or bank balances. PayPal has more than 4 million active account holders in Canada.No matter which way you want to pay, CanadaHelps is Giving Made Simple!
10 Years of Innovating for Good
This month we are celebrating 10 wonderful years of giving made simple and innovating for good. On November 9, 2000, went live, providing charities with a cost-effective way to raise funds online and donors with a one-stop-shop for giving.
In the last 10 years, we have seen over $170 million go toward important causes like yours. We started with a strong mission that continues today: to provide accessible and affordable online technology to charities and to find new ways to encourage Canadians to give.
CanadaHelps has accomplished a great deal in the last ten years, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for the great work you do, for using CanadaHelps, and for making a difference in the world.
CanadaHelps is on Facebook!"Like" our Facebook page today at to see what's new with CanadaHelps, keep updated on philanthropic news, network with others, and to show your friends and family that you use CanadaHelps!
You can also follow CanadaHelps on Twitter (, LinkedIn (, YouTube ( and Flickr (!
Our office number remains the same at 416-628-6948. For customer support, call us toll-free at 1-877-755-1595 or email at
--Brant Positive Action Group -a positive community affirmative action group that promotes goodwill and timely cost effective creative solutions to enhance the competitive well being of Brant Brantford and Six Nations
Thursday, November 25, 2010
What is rich -an interesting perspective and food for thought
Go Ahead, Tax the Rich, Just as Long as It's Not Me
Cliff Ennico
A lot of people are confused right now about Congress' plans to raise taxes (more precisely, eliminate the Bush-era tax cuts) for people with incomes of $250,000 per year or more.
"How can anyone argue against a tax increase for rich people?" I've heard people ask. "After all, they can afford it more than middle-class people can. And raising these taxes will generate $700 billion in revenue for the government over the next 10 years without anyone suffering too badly."
There's nothing wrong with that logic. Since 1913, the federal government has been committed to a program of "progressive" taxation -- basically, the more you make, the more taxes you pay. Aside from affordability, many people believe that wealthier people have a social obligation to subsidize government benefits for those who are less well off (and besides, there are so few rich people that their votes at election time don't count for much).
The problem comes about in defining precisely who is "rich" and who isn't. There's an old saying: "A rich person is anyone who makes more than I do." In other words, it's OK to increase taxes on the rich as long as I myself am not included in the definition of "rich."
I have always had a problem with a progressive tax system that is based solely on people's income. The reason is that I have always lived in the New York City metropolitan area, where the cost of living is extremely high. A lot of people I know make more than $250,000 a year, and they are outraged by the notion that they are so rich that they can afford a significant tax hike.
To understand the shortcomings of a progressive tax system based solely on income, take the following two situations:
-- Person A lives in rural Kansas, in a sprawling family farmhouse with no mortgage. Person A has an annual pretax income of $150,000, has no dependents and has average annual expenses of $30,000.
-- Person B lives in midtown Manhattan, in a cramped two-bedroom condo with two mortgages and two children in private schools (not because Person B is a snob, but because his kids stand a better chance of surviving to adulthood than if they were in New York City's public schools). Person B has an annual pretax income of $300,000 and has average annual expenses of $270,000.
Who would you say is the "richer" of the two? Most of us would say Person A, and we would be right from an economic point of view. Person A makes half as much as Person B, but has four times the discretionary income of Person B ($120,000 versus $30,000) because of Person A's low expenses.
However, under our current tax system, Person B is considered to be "richer" than Person A, and is taxed at a higher rate. If the Bush-era tax cuts for high-income people are not extended, Person B will see a significant increase in his taxes. The tax increase for Person B may be enough to wipe out his meager discretionary income and may threaten his personal liquidity. Meanwhile, Person A, who could more easily afford a tax increase because of his high annual discretionary income, continues to enjoy a "windfall" from his continued low tax rate.
The big assumption here, of course, is that all of Person B's expenses are necessary and unavoidable, and not the result of irresponsible luxury spending. In my example, I think they would be -- New York City has the highest cost of living, real estate costs, and state and local taxes of just about anyplace in America. And anyone who knows anything about New York City's public schools would send their kids to private schools in a heartbeat if they lived there. Frankly, there isn't much room for Person B to cut back on his living expenses.
There isn't any effective way for the government to base taxes on "discretionary income" -- this varies widely from individual to individual, and somebody's "necessary" expense is somebody else's "luxury." ("After all," I can hear some readers thinking, "nobody's forcing Person B to live in Manhattan" -- except perhaps his employer).
But if the government's goal is to allocate tax burdens to those best able to bear them, I think a better approach would be to base our tax system upon people's assets -- what they're worth after taking expenses into account -- rather than just their income. With a tax on individual net worth (or perhaps a progressive income tax that is adjusted or "weighted" to reflect a person's overall assets), Person A would pay higher taxes than Person B, resulting in a much more fair and equitable outcome.
If as a business owner you make a significant income but are working 24/7 in your business and are up to your ears in legitimate business debts, you are not "rich," yet the government thinks you are. It's time for that mentality to change.
Cliff Ennico ( is a syndicated columnist, author and former host of the PBS television series "Money Hunt."
Sunridge Lodge "Back to Eden" quality 24/7 care
261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Extreme reporting is part of the problem
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…. No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine."1
It's not only the influence of some prison guards whose power has corrupted them, but one cannot help but wonder about the power of the news media that daily influences the minds of multiplied millions of people—seeking to shape the minds of listeners according to their particular slant and agenda.
Here in the U.S., for example, while mostly ignoring all the good that has been done in places like Iraq and other places around the world, the TV news media thrive on reporting the number of deaths of our military personnel in Iraq and/or in Afghanistan. I'm not in any way implying that such deaths are not tragic. They certainly are. What I am talking about is truth and responsibility in reporting. These same news channels rarely mention the daily slaughter on our highways—43,220 deaths in one recent year—that was an average of 118 deaths every day!2
Furthermore, of these 43,200 deaths 17,401 were alcohol related! (By way of interest, not so long ago, while waiting to turn left at a stop light, I was slammed into by a car that was slammed into by a heavy pickup truck driven by a youth who caused a six-car pileup. I wonder if he had been drinking! I'm just fortunate that my injuries weren't much worse. The accident caused $8000 damage to my vehicle.)
Nor does the news media mention the hundreds of babies who are being murdered every day throughout our nation, nor the merciless butchery of partial-birth abortion, nor the accelerating moral decline of our nation. Why aren't these tragedies newsworthy? Is it because it wouldn't be politically correct to report on these issues? Or is it because their TV station would lose listeners and therefore financial support?
Think too of the far-out-of-proportion power of some politicians who are adept at making decisions that they believe will keep them in power, rather than for the good of the country … and those who blame other politicians (or anyone else) for the problems that they themselves helped to create in the first place, or who refuse to call acts of terrorism for what they are? Instead, the war on terrorism has been called "Overseas Contingency Operation."
Furthermore, let's be realistic, the "overseas contingency operation" its not only a war against terrorism, it is a religious war caused by militant Muslims who are hell-bent on destroying and killing Americans, Westerners, Jews, Christians and all who oppose their fanatical, barbarous "interpretation" of their religion. If we don't win the war against this barbaric "religiosity" the consequences will be unthinkable for our children and our children's children. Will our politicians and the news media ever consider calling the "overseas contingency operation" for what it truly is—a war against religious terrorism? Not likely!
How tragic when we use words to twist the meaning of critical issues and in so doing deny their reality. This, too, shows the deceitfulness and hypocrisy of the human heart. Would we dare call poison by any other name? To do so would be murderous.
So wherein lies the answer to the dilemma we currently face? Is it, as Ed Ames asked about the national problems our country faced in the sixties, is it in the "stars, or in ourselves?" Not likely.
If we who claim to be Christians, whose faith is definitely not in the stars or in ourselves but in God and his Word, don't give answers, who will? Godless politicians, the outspoken immoral minority, irresponsible news reporters, and militant religionists will give hopelessly false answers to lead us astray. Of this we can be certain.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Excellent Letter of opinion on special interest rights NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS
Reality is something you rise above.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Re: even before swearing in new Councils, they are passing more motions on the Hydro file
Dwight Duncan
Ontario Minister of Finance
CC Ontario MPPs & City CouncilThank you for your recent letter, while this Globe & Mail story is somewhat encouraging, our city councils campaign will continue until we are assured that Hydro rate increases will not exceed inflation. Due to the size of the sole sourced non tendered Samsung deal and the associated transmission costs the government is adding about $10 billion to the hydro cost structure. This money will come from the pockets of customers through hydro rates or taxes. Any suggestion that rising rates has nothing to do with the Green Energy Act stretches credulity to the limits.
2) The government is signing contracts to buy power at 15 times the current rate. It is only a matter of time before Hydro doubles as a result an uncosted ideological compulsion to impose a carbon tax without any consultation or victim impact statements from residents. A more rational approach would be to simply reduce renewable energy investments until the costs come down, if this is not possible, then cut other areas of the budget to pay for this self imposed government priority.
3) A number of people have been sending us their Hydro bills. One of this emails included a spread sheet of bills from 2003 to 2010, Gas had gone up 13% and Hydro 62%. Gas has risen at close to the rate of inflation, can't say the same for Hydro. Signing renewable energy contracts without any reference to consumer affordability will only lead to a new type of poverty and put Ontario at an economic disadvantage.
Ade Olumide, Municipal Taxpayer Advocacy group,
PO Box 93, 2808 Dunrobin Road, Ottawa, ON K0A 3M0Enclosed Motion Was Adopted By St. Thomas
St. Thomas council has joined a provincial lobby group in condemning the imposition of the harmonized sales tax on utilities. In a unanimous vote, council gave its support to the Municipal Taxpayer Advocacy Group, which sent a letter to council late last month asking for support on the issue of hydro and taxes. Ald. Gord Campbell spearheaded the request from St. Thomas council. Motion Was Adopted By The Township of Aramanth on November 3
Whereas increase in Hydro rates has been brought to Council's attention as a major concern by Township residents,
Whereas overhead costs are rising at Ontario Power Authority, Ontario Power Generation, Hydro One, Independent Electricity System Operator, Ontario Energy Board, Ontario Electricity Financial Corp and Ontario Hydro.
Be it resolved that this Council send a letter to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Energy asking for the removal of the PST portion on the Hydro HST bill.
Be it resolved that this Council send a letter to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Energy asking that any increase in Hydro rates does not exceed the rate of inflation.
Be it resolved that this Council send a letter to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Energy, Ontario Minister of the Environment asking that municipalities be consulted in drafting waste to energy policies and choosing locations for windmills.Enclosed Motion Was Adopted By The Township of North Shore on November 8
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Township of the North Shore municipal council supports in the principle the Municipal Taxpayer Advocacy resolution related to Hydro rates, and municipal consultation in drafting waste to energy and windmill locations in Ontario.Enclosed Motion Was Adopted By Township of Casey on November 10
That we, the Council of the Township of Casey do hereby, agree with the Municipal Taxpayer Advocacy Group and request the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Energy to remove the HST portion of the Hydro bill and to limit any increase in Hydro rates so that it does not exceed the rate of inflation.
Hollecrest & Associates Inc -"Turnaround Consultants" .
Back to Eden communities
Sunridge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
Thumbs up -Chatham - and the 1000 farmers for solar ontario diversification
Leading the way -in competitve solutions
The organization has joined forces with Northwind Solutions of Oshawa to build the on-farm units.
"Today is the day the rubber hits the road,'' he said.
Brant Positive Action Group
Friday, November 12, 2010
809 Area Code
Do Not DIAL AREA CODE 809, 284, AND 876
This one is being distributed all over the US ... This is pretty scary, especially given the way they try to get you to call.
Be sure you read this and pass it on.
They get you to call by telling you that it is information about a family member who has been ill or to tell you someone has been arrested, died, or to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc..
If you call from the U.S. , you will apparently be charged $2,425.00 per-minute.
Or, you'll get a long recorded message.
The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges.
The 809 area code is located in the Dominican Republic .
Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and colleagues to help them become aware of this scam.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Fwd: Lest We Forget.................
Keep it moving, please,
It is the VETERAN , not the preacher, Who has given us freedom of religion. It is the VETERAN , not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN , not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer, Who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer, Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the VETERAN , not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN , Who salutes the Flag,
It is the veteran , Who serves under the Flag,
ETERNAL REST GRANT THEM O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. I don't usually suggest that many emails be forwarded, but I'd be EXTREMELY proud if this one reached as many as possible. We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve. God Bless them all!!! |
Boris Jazbec
Hollecrest & Associates Inc -"Turnaround Consultants" .
Back to Eden communities
Sunridge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Smile - How to avoid going shopping -proven male self defence techniques
After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to
Target. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and
preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like
most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the
following letter from the local Target store .
Dear Mrs. Samuel,
Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in
our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to
ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband,
Mr. Samuel, are listed below and are documented by our video
surveillance cameras.
1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other
people's carts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at
5-minute intervals.
3.July 7: He made a trail of apple juice on the floor leading to the
women's restroom.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official
voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the
employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from
her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing
management to lose time and costing the company money.
5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M & Ms
on layaway.
6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the
children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and
blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.
8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began
crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs
were called.
9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a
mirror while he picked his nose...
10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he
asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly
humming the 'Mission Impossible' theme.
12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look'
by using different sizes of funnels.
13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed
through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he
assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES
And last, but certainly not least:
15.October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile,
then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.' One
of the clerks passed out.
If you don't send this to 12 of your dearest friends, your property
taxes will go up, your stocks will go down, and your middle will
spread. (How's that for a curse?!?) What? It's already come true?
Then send it anyway--you've got nothing to lose
The beauty of these tips for Males is that you normally only have
to do it once . Please feel free to share your shopping avoidance tips
with your brothers .
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Invitation to view Sieg Holle's Picasa Web Album - Vets honoured-Nov 2010
You are invited to view Sieg Holle's photo album: Vets honoured-Nov 2010
Message from Sieg Holle: Gentlemen and all the volunteers who made the Thank- A-Vet luncheon a huge success Thank you for a very enjoyable event with a meaning. It was excellent and really demonstrates how the people of our community can do great things. This is the positive community leadership that makes everyone proud . You deserve and have earned a merit medal and big thumbs up from all for staging the biggest and best "thank you Vet event" in Canada. Enjoy the "public" pictures and smiles Sieg Holle for myself-others If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser: To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account. |
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
A call to action for Brantford
Subject: A call to action for Brantford
A community call to action for Brantford, Brant and Six Nations
"We have to do more then water the flowers –we need to plant a vibrant
garden with the help of many good people"
As the many good people who did not win the race for official
government office take down their election signs, action plans and
better vision platforms, please remember that your community needs you
in many capacities. You have spent months getting real face to face
input and grassroots feedback from the people of your community. You
are now an real expert on what the people want, what the people do not
want and you have their pulse and the many ideas of what they think
should be done to better their community..
There are many issues that must be addressed to grow our community
successfully with your help. Individually or together we can make a
difference. I am sharing some current challenges gleaned from my
"boots walking" people survey . Here are some of the things that I
heard and learned from the people .
"Energy costs are rising to hurtful levels " … "Many costs of living
are rising here"
This is a issue that is going to get hot in the cold of winter -
particularly for those who use electrical heat and the costs escalate
to unaffordable "shut off "levels. What are we going to do to help
these people-that is the question? Some issues that are of interest
• An upload to the the provincial and federal govt- can the home
energy sector be made exempt from the HST ? What actions or
considerations will make this possible? There are citizen groups
starting to promote this " Influencing actions at the federal and
provincial level on utility bills like hydro, water and other
municipal intergovernmental issues"
• Predatory pricing practices of local utilities -such as connect and
disconnect charges - excessive interest and service charges hidden and
new profit centres to subsidize cost centres? - What to do to
remediate this or remedies on an exception basis?
• Consolidation of local utilities - there is one energy supplier -why
do we need multiple energy distributors - what happened to the
consolidation strategy - to reduce the number of overheads of the many
local energy distributors?
Why are the bad investment decisions of the past absorbed or
subsidized by the utility user? This is a monopoly pricing situation
over which they -the user have no control. Should these bad decisions
not come out of the general account?
A further sampling of my boots survey Voter comments
"Taxes and fees are out of control and we are not getting much for the
increased costs"." How are we going to pay for it?" "How are we going
to get high paying jobs here? "I just lost my job after many years and
now work for a temp agency-I have no choice and hate it." "There is a
drug house in the neighbourhood, I am afraid and the police can do
nothing about it. " " I moved from Toronto and commute every day –my
taxes are higher here-can you improve transportation to make it easier
to get to my work- a Go Station would be nice " " I live here, but the
large company that I run is in Cambridge –would have built it here –
but the City administration reneged on a major promise " "What do
those people who work for the city really do for the big money we pay
them –I work harder for less money ?" " This development plan for 80
heactres is owned by the city and could support 500 houses -we have
been working at it for 5 years – this part of the public consultation
has cost $200,000 , and it is going on for longer to make sure we
have proper input-what is your opinion?" "Why does everything take so
long to get approvals to do my projects- it is easier and faster in
other cities?" Why can we not get along with our neighbours and work
with them better –losing 350 jobs because of disputes is childish and
stupid " " Why is city garbage piled up next to my house –it stinks –
the city owns the rental complex –I have complained but nobody helps
me or cares" . "Why does it take a city truck , with a crew take two
days to paint a park bench" "Why do we have so many empty city owned
buildings seems like a waste to me – should we sell them to someone
who cares" 'Great plan but I have heard this before can you deliver
on the promise –action is really better then words –show me how I can
help get it done " "You are the first person who asked me –thank you
for asking "
The need for change
These questions and public comments from the people indicate that we
must change how we do things in this city and area- in the future
-.for the better . It is a call to action to do things that deliver
positive outcomes. It is a challenge to the new council to deliver
results , it is a challenge to business to grow jobs , it is a
challenge to all existing and new volunteer groups to add real value ,
it is a challenge to all individuals and groups to care how things are
done in this community . It is our city, our community and we get
what we put in.
I thank the people of Brantford for the opportunity to listen to your
very real concerns. It is a call to action that I accept as a
community volunteer and business person . I wish the new council every
success and sincerely hope all other candidates -not chosen for
council- will continue to support this community with their energy,
plans and ideas. Together we can make this an even better place to
live and prosper.
Thank you, people its been an exhilarating march and new self
motivating leadership ride
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Moving forward with new energy and ideas –please join me
Brantford Economic Initiative BEi
If they can not do it –we can as citizens – all ideas and community action plans welcome
SunridgeLodge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
Monday, November 01, 2010
Charities That Thank You For Your Donation,,,,,,,,,,,,(JPCo)
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