Thursday, January 21, 2010

Invitation to view sieg's Picasa Web Album - How did brantford do -knights event jan 19

You are invited to view sieg's photo album: How did brantford do -knights event jan 19
How did brantford do -knights event jan 19
knights of Columbus hall - 12 Catherine ave , Brantford -
Jan 19, 2010
by sieg
Brant Knights of Columbus information and fund raising event for Haiti Relief
Message from sieg:
This was a lively and informative event -we thank everyone for their participation and contributions . We acknowledge those that sent their regrets due to prior commitments in the Budget and other meeting(S) . A copy of the presentation will be forwarded to you on request . Please pass this information on

(This is public information and can be reproduced without further authorization)
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