Wednesday, August 26, 2009

challenges -food for thought

RELEVANCE and Church attendance
So what is wrong? A scary thought is that we could be rapidly heading in the same direction as the church did in Great Britain a century or so ago. Then the great spiritual and missionary endeavors were coming out of their country. But today the church there is but a shadow of what it was. As one British rector (minister) poignantly said about the church in England: "The times changed, the people and their needs changed, but the church remained the same, and little by little it became irrelevant and lost its impact." Instead of looking at itself, the church then blamed the indifference of the people for their leaving in droves.

True, our message never changes but the application of it and our methods of presenting it must apply to the needs of today's generation—not yesterday's. Furthermore, we are NOT in the business of building churches with a little "c". We are in the business of saving people and making disciples.

Like the disciples and early Christians, when we do God's work in God's way for God's glory may it be said of today's Church: "And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved"


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