Monday, October 30, 2006

Don't force clergy to marry gays: majority: "Don't force clergy to marry gays: majority
Same-sex marriage poll
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Font: * * * * Chris Wattie, National Post
Published: Monday, October 30, 2006
A majority of Canadians believe marriage commissioners should be allowed to refuse to perform a same-sex marriage if it is against their religious beliefs, according to a new public opinion poll.
A COMPAS poll conducted last week found 57% of those surveyed said officials who conduct generally secular wedding ceremonies should be allowed to 'not officiate at gay marriages,' provided there are enough marriage commissioners available for same-sex unions.
The Conservative government has proposed introducing a defence of religions act that would allow officials to refuse to perform gay marriages, protect the free speech of anti-gay religious leaders and protect organizations that refuse to do business with gays and lesbians.
The COMPAS poll suggested there would be significant public support for such a move, with 72% of those contacted for the survey saying that clergy should have the right not to marry a same-sex couple if it runs counter to their beliefs.
'Those numbers are at the level of overwhelming support,' said pollster Conrad Winn, the president of COMPAS. 'I mean, you can't get three-quarters of Canadians to agree on the weather.'"

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