This is the public blog web site for the Brant -Knights of Columbus. Our Council 9262 is located at St Pius X Church at 9 Waverly Street, Brantford Ontario Canada N3R 2K2 . We are a CATHOLIC,FAMILY,FRATERNAL,SERVICE, non profit organization.Our private members site is .
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gregorian Christmas Chants - Live in Berlin
the beauty of faith in music -a true celebration of the body mind and soul
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
One degree with no secrecy the new Knight of Columbus
In an attempt to become more relevant and modern here is the new structure
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Is it time for new leadership?
Food for thought brothers . Our seminars are in need of faithful traditional converts
"Dolan's nearly deserted St. Joseph Seminary in New York speaks volumes as you hear little else than echoes up and down the hall, and, for the record, St. Joseph's is the catch-all for two other seminaries in the New York area that had to close up shop for poor enrollment.
And in Crookston, there are — count them — just two seminarians for the diocese of 35,000 Catholics; one is first-year and the other is second-year — in short, plenty of time for either to discern out and leave Bp. Hoeppner with zero ordinations, like he has this coming year and next year."
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Stop turning the other check -stand up and fight Satan
You are not or should not be sheep being led to slaughter . As brothers in Christ you are and should be sheepdogs defending your beliefs ,your faith,your church and your God. Yes love trumps hate but hate of our Catholic faith is on the rise . You have a duty to protect your values as Knights . The stakes are high and worthy to bring back catholic order and proven traditions that have served all well .
Here is an update of the current battle for your soul.
Satanist are not simply people who do things differently. Their offensive and even blasphemous attacks must be rejected. We must counter the Satanic attacks against God and fight to preserve the honor and dignity of our country from this attempt to break down the barriers of horror that still surround Satanism.
To dismiss the satanic acts as a simple publicity stunt is to IGNORE the grave nature of this sin and its consequences. To allow or invite Satan into a community, home or soul is NO joke. It’s a terrible sin that brings devils to the earth and provokes God to withdraw His graces and blessings.
Be thankful and have a happy productive life AMDG
- St. Pope John Paul II: Remember the past with gratitude. Live the present with enthusiasm. Look forward to the future with confidence.
- St. Thomas Aquinas: O God, grant that whatever good things I have, I may share generously with those who have not, and whatever good things I do not have, I may request humbly from those who do.
- St. Teresa of Avila: In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Pope Francis dilema
What should be done with the pagan pope?
The Catholic response to these facts is not to wriggle away from them but to face them and fight the evil they represent. Saint Robert Bellarmine, confronted with the theological question in the abstract, did not tie himself into the knots of today's Catholic "conservatism." He taught forthrightly: "It is legitimate not to obey the orders of the pope and even to prevent the execution of his will if he puts souls in danger, especially if he were to strive to destroy the Church."
The Catholic response to these facts is not to wriggle away from them but to face them and fight the evil they represent. Saint Robert Bellarmine, confronted with the theological question in the abstract, did not tie himself into the knots of today's Catholic "conservatism." He taught forthrightly: "It is legitimate not to obey the orders of the pope and even to prevent the execution of his will if he puts souls in danger, especially if he were to strive to destroy the Church."
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Interesting work
Good day!
We considered your resume to be very attractive and we thought the vacant position in our company could be interesting for you.
Our company specializes in online investment services.
We cooperate with different countries and currently we have many clients in yours region.
Due to this fact, we need to increase the number of our destination representatives' regular staff.
Part-time and full-time employment are both currently important.
We offer a flat wage from $3500 up to $7000 per month.
If you are interested in our offer, please visit our web page.
Attention! Accept applications only on this and next week.
Respectively submitted
Personnel department
We considered your resume to be very attractive and we thought the vacant position in our company could be interesting for you.
Our company specializes in online investment services.
We cooperate with different countries and currently we have many clients in yours region.
Due to this fact, we need to increase the number of our destination representatives' regular staff.
Part-time and full-time employment are both currently important.
We offer a flat wage from $3500 up to $7000 per month.
If you are interested in our offer, please visit our web page.
Attention! Accept applications only on this and next week.
Respectively submitted
Personnel department
Friday, November 08, 2019
Monday, November 04, 2019
Recapture your faith from silent no more
It is refreshing to see that young catholics are defending the faith and are calling on others to follow their lead in ending corruption of the Catholic faith
Sunday, November 03, 2019
Top 10 - Not Your Plan But HIS Plan
Top 10 - Not Your Plan But HIS Plan: Harold and Bev Herring, Debt Free army, and RichThoughts TV bring you encouraging, insightful, and life changing principles from the Word of God.
Good ideas from any source are good ideas to move the challenges you face along .
We are to live differently - beginning right now- because we live our lives now in Jesus Christ. We are to love differently, because we are capacitated by grace to love in Jesus Christ, and with His Love. And all of this is made possible, as we cooperate with grace. We should regularly ask ourselves if we are ready to pass through that narrow gate. Are we attached to the things of this world? Are we truly striving for salvation so we may make it through the gate when the time comes?
. The Psalmist reminds us we will have foes, enemies. It may happen that we stumble, and our enemies will rejoice. As Christians, we are certain to have enemies, drawn from those who prefer evil to good. And it can be embarrassing when these people delight. But we should not worry about how we appear in the eyes of others. Instead, let us recognize that the Lord saves His faithful. God is generous and good, and he will deliver us, in the sight of our enemies.
Good ideas from any source are good ideas to move the challenges you face along .
10. God has given us the power to get wealth…not welfare. Deuteronomy 8:18
9. If you feel you can’t seem to catch a break...ask God to help you create the one you need.
8. Nothing in your life will change until you change. Ask God to make you the instrument of change you were created to be.
7. "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” Phil 4:6
6. God picked you…He hasn’t given up on, dropped or abandoned you. Isaiah 41:13 (MSG) says: “He is right here to help you.”
5. God will never bless what He hasn’t approved. Exodus 18:18 MSG
4. Our future is not determined by who or what we were but who we are now.
3. Just because you’re in pain…doesn’t mean you have to be one…to everyone around you.
2. When we learn to turn rejection into direction...we’re on the road to success.
1. Let your every disappointment be the fuel that ignites your future.
We are to live differently - beginning right now- because we live our lives now in Jesus Christ. We are to love differently, because we are capacitated by grace to love in Jesus Christ, and with His Love. And all of this is made possible, as we cooperate with grace. We should regularly ask ourselves if we are ready to pass through that narrow gate. Are we attached to the things of this world? Are we truly striving for salvation so we may make it through the gate when the time comes?
. The Psalmist reminds us we will have foes, enemies. It may happen that we stumble, and our enemies will rejoice. As Christians, we are certain to have enemies, drawn from those who prefer evil to good. And it can be embarrassing when these people delight. But we should not worry about how we appear in the eyes of others. Instead, let us recognize that the Lord saves His faithful. God is generous and good, and he will deliver us, in the sight of our enemies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why is our church losing the faithful
Here is a survey that gives you some numbers from the Angus Reid Institute about a Crisis in our faith
Monday, October 21, 2019
Silent no more
Here is a useful provocative point of view link on what actions should be considered in cleansing corruption from our church, Let the truth set us free for the glory of God
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Catholic Spirit of Christopher Columbus -
The Catholic Spirit of Christopher Columbus -: Ninety men stood on the decks of three boats, led in prayer by Christopher Columbus, the foreign captain they had come to trust.
Things I did not know about Columbus and how a few good men made a difference
Things I did not know about Columbus and how a few good men made a difference
Tuesday, October 08, 2019
Friday, October 04, 2019
Deep dive into the Green control hysteria strategy
Is the Sky falling Brothers? Are you being manipulated ?What is the truth? Who is responsible and who benefits from the orchestrated attack on your values and wallet?
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Tuesday, June 04, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Friday, May 03, 2019
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Friday, April 12, 2019
Pew approval results show a decline in Pope Francis popularity
We should clean up our church indiscretions? What are your solutions?
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Back to reality reader comments of interest
Things Too Many Catholics Think the Church Stopped Teaching… But Didn’t!
I am grateful that many Catholics are starting to wake up to the awareness that there is much they do not know. On the other hand, I want to smack my head on brick walls. Why? It represents a resounding failure on the educational apparatus of the Church.
I do not blame these people for their lack of knowledge. I do not blame even their teachers necessarily. I do blame, however, those who did know better but chose a different path. I blame those who purposely mislead, either out of fear or rebellion.
In the fallout, many well meaning Catholics really do believe the Church has dropped teachings. Their religion class never brought it up. The “be nice” drivel that passes for preaching in most parishes doesn’t touch on these teachings. Some remember sisters, priests, and other teachers embracing the “spirit of Vatican II” and telling people that we didn’t teach thus and so anymore.
These people lied. They have done grave damage.
But, let’s set the the record straight on some things here today, things that we taught before 1965 and still teach long after 1965 today.
1) Sin, including Mortal Sin, still exists
Sin didn’t morph into “making mistakes.” Personal sin didn’t disappear and morph into “corporate or social sin.”
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1846-1876, the issue of sin, both venial and mortal, are defined in union with the constant teaching of the Church.
Since sin didn’t evaporate into the ether, neither did the necessity to address their effect and need for healing. Being in a state of mortal sin will still send you to hell. Dismiss that at your own risk. Being in a state of mortal sin still excludes a person from the reception of the Eucharist until Confession has happened. Receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin is, itself, a mortal sin.
We have never taught that one has a right to the Eucharist in any old state. Never. In fact, if we did, that would point to a belief that the bread and wine must still be just bread and wine. We do not believe this either.
2) Sunday Mass/ Holy Day Masses are NOT optional
A Catholic in good standing, exempting those who are ill or taking care of someone who is ill, are obliged to worship God in Mass on every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. That never changed.
When one chooses to opt out of Mass in favor of sleeping in, sports, shopping, or anything in this vein, one has found a god they think is more worthy of their time than the God.
That any Catholic would believe their faith life is just fine without Mass is delusional. Willfully missing mass is starving oneself to death spiritually. To knowingly and willfully miss Mass is mortally sinful. To teach one’s children by word or example that Mass is optional is to teach your children how to mortally sin. This is a very serious matter.
3) The sanctity of human sexuality is still upheld
We view human sexuality as such a profound good that the Church advises against the abuse of human sexuality into a mere plaything. We have always had problems with the misuse of human sexuality and the devastation it brings.
I know, I know…what about those clerics who sexually preyed on their flocks? They did so in direct opposition to the teachings of the Church.
The use of artificial birth control was never a “let your conscience be your guide” type of thing. That was the mantra of clerics who either bought into worldly views on human sexuality or were too cowardly to uphold those teachings for fear of the backlash that would come.
The Church does not okay the use of porn, masturbation, homosexual acts, or any other use of human sexuality that goes against its very nature.
I know this is not popular, but the Church has not changed its teachings about this. See Catechism sections 2331-2400.
4) Confession is still necessary for the forgiveness of Mortal Sin
Sin needs to be forgiven for the relationship between God and with His people to be restored. It is that relationship that opens us to the freedom of receiving God’s grace in the sacraments. It that relationship that opens us to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Mortal sin severs that relationships. Without that relationship, we have no true access to the grace of the other sacraments nor to the Kingdom of Heaven. Confession is the way we fix that.
Whether one feels that is true or not, does not change that this is the constant teaching of the Church. See Catechism sections 1446-1470.
5) The Catholic faith is not a buffet where one picks and chooses what is okay and comfortable
The Catholic faith has the right to say that this is what we believe. It has the right to set the standard. We do so because this is what Christ taught. End of story.
The point of faith isn’t to numb. The point of faith is to challenge to greater heights, courage, and holiness. Every rule and teaching of the Church comes from what it means to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. It is an integral whole. Once we start picking and choosing, we damage the whole. When people start picking and choosing, it becomes easier and easier to abandon faith altogether.
* * *
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Catholic professionals bemoan the ignorance of the masses and the lack of practice of the masses. I say that the masses are only doing what we trained them to do!
If we treated faith as a buffet, shocker that others would as well. If we backed away from unpopular teachings, or teachings that mean I have to give up my favored sins, then we spread the disease of ignorance that plagues so many.
It isn’t as if we haven’t had these teachings all along. All of the things our “spirit of Vatican II” types said we threw out (the Rosary, Confession, Purgatory, indulgences, sexual morality teachings, etc) we never did. These types will have to stand before God for the damage they did.
We still believe what we believed long before Vatican II. Our need to learn is present, as is our need to have clear teaching.
It isn’t as if we haven’t had these teachings all along. All of the things our “spirit of Vatican II” types said we threw out (the Rosary, Confession, Purgatory, indulgences, sexual morality teachings, etc) we never did. These types will have to stand before God for the damage they did.
We still believe what we believed long before Vatican II. Our need to learn is present, as is our need to have clear teaching.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Charity is good for the soul
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to give back more? Well look no further than the Knights of Columbus! The Knights of Columbus have been involved in countless charitable efforts that range from disaster relief to supporting Christian refugees. Follow the link below to learn more about the Knights of Columbus’ charitable causes and how you can be involved:
Jay Nelligan shared a post:
Friday, March 01, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
FPV #74 – Gender Issues, Children, Women, Men, And A Couple Messages To ...
It is our role to protect the innocent Stand up and take responsibility to protect the Christian family?
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Monday, February 11, 2019
Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram - Somewhere Out There
They want to divide and conquer us therefore we must come together and do the opposite in love
Thursday, February 07, 2019
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Covington High Boys: Assault on Catholic Pro-Life Young Men
Knights this is a call to action . We must protect the innocent.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Friday, January 04, 2019
Bad priests should turn themselves in says Pope Francis
Surrender yourself
Pope Francis recently called on all Catholic Priests who sexually abused children to turn themselves in and prepare for "divine justice."
© Neon Nettle
© Neon Nettle

Thursday, January 03, 2019
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