Thursday, September 27, 2018

Personal challenge =Do we have a crisis of leadership due to predator infiltrations

Are you tired of being a useful idiot for someone else's dubious and self serving cause? Are you too lazy to think and just blindly obediently follow whoever is temporarily in charge through false virtue signalling ,and controlled political correctness  of the organizational control levers? Are you you tempted with a devils lust for temporal power and control of the now: while forgetting about the infinite future ?  Are you wrestling in the faith crisis desert with the temptation devil  as Jesus did ? 

What should or can you and I do ? It is time to cleanse yourself from the impurities that have infected us all. Let start a renaissance of personal enlightenment . Inspire yourself with the scriptures and the real teachings ,not faux interpretations of Jesus Christ.Heed the warnings of Fatima ,circa 1917 by Mary.

Should we follow false prophets?
Should we cleanse our sacred places?

 useful references to provoke your thinking 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

German bishops apologise

Acknowledging a problem-the  silence of the shepherds Pope is no more?

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, centre

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

More on the Catholic church silence challenge

Should we remain silent?


Should he resign ?

A serious church whistle blower has suggested he should .

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Is resignation of the pope mandatory

There are calls for resignation of the Pope. What do you think brothers?

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Catholics need full disclosure on predatory sexual allegations

Jesus cleansed the temple for his faithful , Corruption of his values should not be tolerated .  We all must walk the talk and ignore the hypocritical " do as I say but do not do as I do"

Is resignation a necessary option for those complicit in the coverup ?

Pope Francis prays in front of the statue of the Immaculate Conceptionon at Spanish Steps December 8, 2013 in Rome, Italy. Following a tradition laid out by his predecessors, Pope Francis celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception by travelling to Spanish Steps where he venerated the statue named for …