This is the public blog web site for the Brant -Knights of Columbus. Our Council 9262 is located at St Pius X Church at 9 Waverly Street, Brantford Ontario Canada N3R 2K2 . We are a CATHOLIC,FAMILY,FRATERNAL,SERVICE, non profit organization.Our private members site is .
Friday, December 14, 2018
Sunday, December 09, 2018
Friday, November 30, 2018
A letter to fellow priests food for thought and guidance for the heart mind and soul
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist
Fr. Marc Vernoy: An Open Letter To My Brother Priests
Rebuilding the faith series
Friday, November 16, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Robson on "God or Hitler" at Augustine College June 5, 2018
Let the truth set us free Why I believe in religion
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
Sunday, November 04, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Personal challenge =Do we have a crisis of leadership due to predator infiltrations
Are you tired of being a useful idiot for someone else's dubious and self serving cause? Are you too lazy to think and just blindly obediently follow whoever is temporarily in charge through false virtue signalling ,and controlled political correctness of the organizational control levers? Are you you tempted with a devils lust for temporal power and control of the now: while forgetting about the infinite future ? Are you wrestling in the faith crisis desert with the temptation devil as Jesus did ?
What should or can you and I do ? It is time to cleanse yourself from the impurities that have infected us all. Let start a renaissance of personal enlightenment . Inspire yourself with the scriptures and the real teachings ,not faux interpretations of Jesus Christ.Heed the warnings of Fatima ,circa 1917 by Mary.
Should we follow false prophets?
Should we cleanse our sacred places?
useful references to provoke your thinking
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
More on the Catholic church silence challenge
Should we remain silent?
Should he resign ?
A serious church whistle blower has suggested he should .
Sunday, September 02, 2018
Is resignation of the pope mandatory
There are calls for resignation of the Pope. What do you think brothers?
Saturday, September 01, 2018
Catholics need full disclosure on predatory sexual allegations
Jesus cleansed the temple for his faithful , Corruption of his values should not be tolerated . We all must walk the talk and ignore the hypocritical " do as I say but do not do as I do"
Is resignation a necessary option for those complicit in the coverup ?

Friday, August 31, 2018
Is our church in Crisis mode
John H McConnel Jr shared a link.
Very interesting points of view, historically linking the "normalizing of pedophilia and homosexuality" and a decline of Christianity. Good read
As knights what should we do?
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
A letter to chaplains from the Supreme Knight about the sexual abuse crisis
Here is a letter that I completely agree with .
August 21, 2018
Worthy Chaplains and Dear Brother Knights,
The issues that have come to light concerning sexual abuse by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report are cause for grave concern among Catholics and Brother Knights. Many feel deeply betrayed by those whom they long held in high regard. Such concerns are shared not just in the United States, but in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere.
These sins of commission and omission have sent the Church we love, the Church we serve and the Church that Jesus Christ established into convulsions. Sadly, the disgrace not only is borne by the perpetrators, it hurts us all, as does the silence of shepherds who have ignored the cries of their flocks.
There are many wonderful and faithful laborers in the vineyard of the Lord among our priests and bishops. However, it is clear that in addition to devastating criminal acts, we have seen many other moral failings by clergy that represent a crisis of commitment to the Gospel.
Too often the needs of victims have been subordinated to a distorted sense of mercy toward the perpetrators or an instinct for clerical self-preservation. The sexual acts — both criminal and non-criminal — highlight the need to recover a respect for and a renewed commitment to the priestly promises of celibacy.
The Knights of Columbus has supported the pastoral and charitable work of our bishops and priests since our founding by the Venerable Father Michael McGivney. We understand that the priest should lead the parish and the bishop should be the center of unity in a diocese. But we — like all Catholics — are painfully aware of the wreckage that ensues when elements of this leadership are abdicated by evil actions whether directly perpetrated or covered up.
Now, the Knights of Columbus — laymen, priests and chaplains together — will have an important role to play in rebuilding the Church. We must commit the Knights of Columbus to work for repentance, reform and rebuilding of the Church.
Repentance should include a full accounting of the misdeeds by those who have committed them. Archbishop McCarrick and others at fault owe us a full account of their actions, motivations and cover-ups. After years of having us confess to them, it is now time for them to come clean about what they have done and what they have failed to do.
This will also help increase the recognition that clerical sexual abuse is a global problem that must be addressed at the highest levels of the Catholic Church. Moreover, priests and bishops who refuse to live according to their promises of celibacy should be removed from public ministry, not out of retribution, but for the protection of the faithful and to prevent future variations of the scandal we now suffer.
Reform must include many good ideas that have been proposed, such as a full and complete investigation of sexual abuse led by an independent commission that includes laity; complete transparency by the Catholic hierarchy into all matters of criminal sexual misconduct past or future; an expansion of the zero tolerance policy to include sexual activity or misconduct by clerics including bishops, and by seminarians; and a call for faithfulness by all members of the clergy, including bishops. There must also be an independent ethics hotline for reporting of criminal and other conduct at odds with Catholic teaching on the clerical state of life; and there must be protections against retaliation.
Such reforms will be difficult for a Church largely unused to them, and we must support our bishops and our priests in embracing these reforms in order to rebuild.
We can help to rebuild our Church in several ways. Above all else, Knights — and our chaplains — must embrace love of God and love of neighbor. This is Christ’s great commandment and the founding mission of our Order. It is also exactly the opposite of the rejection of God and exploitation of neighbor that our Church has witnessed in these scandals.
Shortly before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger decried the “filth” in the Church “even among those, who in the priesthood, ought to belong totally” to Christ. He also provided the antidote, stating at other times that what the Church needs now more than anything else is “saints.” Pope Francis reiterated Pope Benedict’s sentiments in his letter on Aug. 20.
In the days ahead, the Knights of Columbus will help renew our Church on a national level through a Novena of Masses in reparation for these sins that have so grievously wounded the Body of Christ. I take this opportunity to ask that you offer this Novena of Masses for our Church at your earliest opportunity.
Beginning in November, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor, in cooperation with the Shrine of St. Jean Vianney in Ars, France, a national tour of the relic of the heart of this great patron saint of priests. In the coming weeks, I will share more details with you about this initiative.
We will also continue to strengthen and rebuild our Church at the level of our families and parishes through our Building the Domestic Church program. Its twin elements of imbuing families with faith and strengthening parish life are critical to providing a Catholic Church that rebuilds based on the Gospel principles of love of God and love of neighbor. Together with our recently announced “Faith In Action” initiative, we will strive to make our parishes truly become, in the words of Pope Francis, “a family of families.”
Now is the time for all brother Knights to stand steadfast in faith, as Catholics and as gentlemen. We will assist priests, bishops and our fellow Catholics in helping the Church chart a course for the future that puts Christ at the center, so that truly we may say, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
This is the moment in which Knights — including in a special way our priest members — can be part of a great renewal for good in our Church. And as we strive to follow the Lord more closely in the days ahead, may he deliver us from every evil and in his mercy graciously grant his Church peace and unity.
In closing, know that your faithful witness and sacrifice can bring inspiration and hope to millions of your fellow Catholics. It will be needed in the days ahead more than ever before. And to every priest and bishop whose commitment and dedication to our Order and to our Church has been faithful and exemplary, please accept my gratitude in both a personal way and on behalf of the Knights of Columbus.
Let each one of us prayerfully invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that in the words of St. Maximilian Kolbe, our hearts would be cleansed and themselves become immaculate, similar and like unto her own heart.
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Why voting is important
CitizenGo have an interesting review of the facts :
CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and fundamental rights worldwide.
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Inspiring But Not Educating | Frontier Centre For Public Policy
Inspiring But Not Educating | Frontier Centre For Public Policy
Intellectual challenges that make a difference
We need solutions -lets use our volunteers to come up with them
Intellectual challenges that make a difference
We need solutions -lets use our volunteers to come up with them
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Study: People Are Less Religious in Places with More Government
Study: People Are Less Religious in Places with More Government
no surprize here -when you outsource godly rights to government
no surprize here -when you outsource godly rights to government
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Views on Trump and Christian supporters 2018 - YouTube
10 PM | Breaking News Trump | 03/30/2018 - YouTube
Should we support those that support our beliefs?
Should we support those that support our beliefs?
Views on Trump and Christian supporters 2018 - YouTube
10 PM | Breaking News Trump | 03/30/2018 - YouTube
Should we support those that support our beliefs?
Should we support those that support our beliefs?
Friday, March 30, 2018
REAL NEWS with David Knight Friday 3/30/18 -Pope questions ..
A renewal of faith on the day our lord gave his life for our sins .
Is liberation theology of "Gutierrez" the way to go? Is the pedophilia of Cardinal Pell and others acceptable ? Is there no hell and all is a matter of conscious over our tradition and the teachings?Is the Popes endorsement of Global population control and the challenged environmentalism good Catholic leadership?
I love Jesus and what he represents to myself and the world . Let the Holy Spirit give us the strength to renew our church and faith . (AMDG)
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Time for Africa - A family crusade option
Time for Africa
Should we be supporting those grass root organizations that reflect our values ?
Should we be supporting those grass root organizations that reflect our values ?
Friends, as we write to you now, Africa is under very strong threat and is being attacked from all corners. International leftist NGOs have infiltrated Africa with a sole intention—to redefine the family and overturn Africa's pro-life laws and religious freedom. We can't let Africa face this threat without our support, we need to stand with Africans and make sure that their values are upheld.
More information
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Monday, March 26, 2018
TradCatKnight: The History Of George Soros That Every American Sh...
TradCatKnight: The History Of George Soros That Every American Sh...: The History Of George Soros That Every American Should Know There is something else entirely to George Soros than a hefty
portion of ...
It is always interesting to know who you are competing against-let the truth set us free?
So you need to know the facts - so that you can defend yourself in thought,mind and body?
portion of ...
It is always interesting to know who you are competing against-let the truth set us free?
So you need to know the facts - so that you can defend yourself in thought,mind and body?
Sunday, March 25, 2018
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
The Gospel of Luke - YouTube
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
Reaffirmation of the Christian faith -Easter message for you
And what did you do to correct the injustice of innocence? Nothing
Corruption exposed ,lessons learnt , faith restored in God and the inalienable rights of man that he gave us Amdg
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Top Articles This Week - - Gmail
Top Articles This Week - - Gmail
Key takeaways :
Key takeaways :
- Stop asking for permission to do good - you have the authority to do so.
- Get out of the government dependancy trap
- CNC -use constructive non compliance of rules and regulations that you do not believe in
- Challenge the command control crony paradigm
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Volunteers make the difference - Google Docs
Volunteers make the difference - Google Docs
Can we mobilize our latent potential resources or volunteers to make a difference ?
You do not need permission to volunteer to do good . You have a right to do good .

Please start resisting encroachments to your right to do good . Stop being an unwitting cash cow for government compliance schemes. Stop wasting your energy and time, filling out forms and filling fees to justify more government abusive behaviour and overpaid overhead. . The only way to control a cancer is not to feed it, or the longer term use of radical surgery which is also an option but only at election time .
Re-establish and get back to timely community quality standards by not complying with unnecessary red tape regulations wherever AND WHENEVER YOU CAN. CNC constructive non compliance works for you not the compliance industry built on force ,conformity and fear . .
If you want to volunteer -we have many worthy areas that need your help and energy.
Can we mobilize our latent potential resources or volunteers to make a difference ?

Please start resisting encroachments to your right to do good . Stop being an unwitting cash cow for government compliance schemes. Stop wasting your energy and time, filling out forms and filling fees to justify more government abusive behaviour and overpaid overhead. . The only way to control a cancer is not to feed it, or the longer term use of radical surgery which is also an option but only at election time .
Re-establish and get back to timely community quality standards by not complying with unnecessary red tape regulations wherever AND WHENEVER YOU CAN. CNC constructive non compliance works for you not the compliance industry built on force ,conformity and fear . .
If you want to volunteer -we have many worthy areas that need your help and energy.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Nine million CitizenGoers - - Gmail
Nine million CitizenGoers - - Gmail
Here is a group that is actively working on key issues of great interest Citizen Go is making a constructive difference and is worth supporting.
Here is a group that is actively working on key issues of great interest Citizen Go is making a constructive difference and is worth supporting.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Friday, March 09, 2018
Pew: U.S. Catholics Show ‘Signs of Disenchantment’ With Pope Francis
Pew: U.S. Catholics Show ‘Signs of Disenchantment’ With Pope Francis
How can we improve this brothers ? Interested in how to reverse this negative trend .
How can we improve this brothers ? Interested in how to reverse this negative trend .
Monday, March 05, 2018
61: Jordan B. Peterson finally asked about the Catholic Faith - YouTube
61: Jordan B. Peterson finally asked about the Catholic Faith - YouTube
Interesting review of your belief system . Defining your faith or recapturing your Catholic belief system
Interesting review of your belief system . Defining your faith or recapturing your Catholic belief system
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Selling Murder: The Secret Propaganda Films of the Third Reich
A historic look at the technique of making death panels acceptable
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